Result! I will never have to think twice now when people ask me what having a blog has done for me. I don't do this often - honest - but sometimes I do sift through the google searches that bring readers here. Some are straightforward (why are people googling ME? Spooky), others are just plain weird (but I do like how many Sexy Sarah searches there are), and there are many more gems than I expected. A couple of days ago, I had the best ever - making golf holes out of carpet. (And Google directed them to me? Why? It must have been more disappointing than for the Sexy Sarah searchers.)
Anyway, it's given me the best idea for a party. All the guests have to come with their own
crazy golf homemade hole, and then we can make a course around the house. And here are easy
instructions to get us started (http://www.hitentertainment.com/artattack/crazygolfcourse.html). I'm so excited, I can hardly breathe. Please feel free to ask to be invited - but you do have to have your own sticky-backed plastic and green crepe paper for the palm trees.
And my writing prompt for today is going to be ... parties I enjoyed, and parties I didn't.
1 comment:
Hello Sarah
I'm wondering what you, as a successful writer, think really ARE the advantages of having a blog?? (See the start of your post above)
I started one last week. It is supposed to encourage my writing. So far the blogging's encouraging my blogging..!
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