So it's the week of
Chelsea Flower Show, and all the great and the good seem to be opening their palatial doors wide to reveal their gardens. This is my sore spot. I gave up a really well-loved vegetable patch in Edinburgh, when we moved down South. Now I have a patch of concrete instead. For three years, I kept up an allotment but had to give it up this year because of a mixture of time and bad back. However, all is not lost... I am trying positive thinking to make me love my concrete. First up is my portable vegetable garden - some time over the summer, I want to have grown my own ratatouille (first having found out how to spell it)...

The other spoilt fat-girl Salway now has her own spot of lawn, thanks to buying a piece of turf at £3.79 at the local garden centre. And she thinks it very nice to lie on it in the sun ...

I'm even starting to see some results ...

And because every gardener needs something to make them happy ...

Gold medals all round, I think!
LOve the pink watering can and the spoilt fat girl very much on her own turf, so to speak!
Good for her...Grr!
She would say thank you very much, Jan, but she's too busy tossing her hair and admiring her nails.
I've NEVER been much cop at tossing m'hair; it's too curly for a start and would end up frightening people ...
But 3 cheers for the SFG; I have I feline SFG and her slimline, cutiepie sister.
Both are beautiful, both are elegant ladies who lunch.... on Iams and chicken, who have enviable "peace of mind", their own very CERTAIN view of the world...
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