Thursday, January 11, 2007

Book Giveaway

Patricia Storms at Booklust has been talking about a Canadian exhibition by Robin Pacific which involves the artist giving away her entire archive of nearly 2,000 books. There are great photographs and a first-hand account here, but Toronto's just a bit far for me to go for a freebie. Robin Pacific is quoted as saying:
"My books are a portrait of an artist’s psyche. When I pick one up at random, a whole period of my life comes rushing back, people, places, what I was doing, who I was at that particular point of my past. Giving them away is a means of putting my consciousness out into the world, and isn’t that what all artists do, regardless of the medium?"
Not sure I could give away all my books, but they're staring back at me at the moment from their comfy bookcases, quivering with worry!


Kay Cooke said...

Love the new layout. Haven't popped in for a while Sarah, so it's been great to catch up, not drinking a cup of tea naked!!! ;)

Sarah Salway said...

Hi chiefbiscuit. Nice to see you, and thanks re layout. Have lost a lot of stuff though, so need to spend some time getting it back on, including a link to you!