Friday, June 27, 2008

Things that make me happy No 88822888...

Pick your own fruit time, particularly for gooseberries, which have to be the most underrated fruit EVER.

Or so I say.

(ps although I don't know why they have gone sideways, perhaps they were blown over by the gust of my enthusiasm...)


Alex Johnson said...

I completely agree, though of course it wasn't always like this. Perhaps we should institute a new gooseberry fair? Maybe an online one...

It will have to pick your own for me again this year. I planted two gooseberry bushes on the allotment last year and while they're growing nicely I think there's only going to be enough to fill about half your punnet.

Sue Guiney said...

Love the whole anti-gravity thing you have going there. Maybe it's getting you ready for your circus outing? This photo kind of makes me think they're about to be shot out of a cannon. I hope the circus folk don't do that to you.

Anonymous said...

Dear god, woman, you've discovered tiny watermelons!

Sarah Salway said...

I LOVE the idea of a gooseberry fair. What would we have to do? Maybe educate Joseph Devon for a start. Goosegogs (as us real devotees call them) are so not watermelons, JD. You are in for a treat.
I know, Sue. It's very original isn't it? A sideways glance and all that. But you have given me an idea. We could make a mini cannon and fill it with maltesers and creme caramels and shoot directly into people's mouths. How cool would that be? I am getting very excited.

Greta Songe said...

Damn! Why didn't we have a gooseberry crop for the circus garden? They look fantastic!

Sarah Salway said...

I'll make some gooseberry jam just for you, Greta!