The shortlist for the annual unusual book title has just been announced. The bookies favourite (really? People really bet on these things? Ho hum) is 'How Green were the Nazis?', but my own winner is The Stray Shopping Carts of Eastern North America: a guide to field identification (Harry N Masters), described as: "Julian Montague's study of urban life and irretrievable loss". Quite. Mind you, I like this because it lets me show this beautiful picture of just what we could do with stray shopping carts:

I could have done with this ten years ago when I had two toddlers and a friend who thought it would be a good idea to buy them a toy shopping trolley. They would spend the day filling it with things from my freezer, and I would spend the day putting everything back. If only I'd thought to get them to get out their sticky backed plastic and turn the wretched plastic thing into something beautiful.
And my writing prompt is: In the busy supermarket, I pick up the wrong shopping trolley...
1 comment:
Borders sell very nice miniature shopping trolleys ( for rubbers, sharpeners etc, I suppose..) Someone bought one for my husband; he is frequently at our local superstore... checking shelves, checking bargains, checking staff are helping little old ladies...It is part of his Social Conscience at work.
I am fascinated by other peoples trolleys. Why someone needs quite so many pork pies always intrigues me..
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