Tuesday, December 09, 2008

My New Years resolution No 1

To hand-write more letters - and here's one of the reasons why...

Doggone, I can't download the video, but it's here.


emmat said...

yeah but you can treasure emails too. You can treasure funny romantic flirty ones, and strong, passionate deep ones too. My dad's writing makes me a bit sad as it gets wobblier; his emails are still fighty - which I like!

emmat said...

Though.... the video is so lovely. I really loved the bit where she talked about touching the paper her father touched.

Sarah Salway said...

Of course you can treasure emails, but it's not quite the same, is it? It's like writing fiction or poetry by hand, rather than on the computer. Somehow, I always have to start something by hand and then I switch to the computer because I can't write fast enough. I like the idea of writing a letter more slowly. ANd yes, I loved that bit completely too. I was so touched by that video.

jem said...

A 'value legacy' is a great phrase.

I'm a big fan of letter writing, always have been, I used to write loads, and had heaps of carefully selected writing papers. Sadly email seems to be wiping out the art - people don't seem as keen to receive a hand written letter as it pressures them to reply in the same way which 'takes too much time'.

However I persevere with some people, or on some occasions, and its worthwhile. I write so differently on letter, taking time to share thoughts and impressions and descriptions, rather than just quick bullet point type paragraphs. And the tactile nature of the envelope, pen, paper, stamp adds so much.

Thanks for reminding me.

Nik Perring said...

That's lovely. Lovely.
