Thursday, February 02, 2006

I'm sorry but am I missing something? Apparently David Cameron has been voted one of the 100 sexiest men. There are days when I think I don't belong in the world. Or, at least, not everyone else's world.


Faith Bicknell said...


Never even heard of him til now.

Did I say 'eew!' yet?

Sarah Salway said...

I know! Eek squared.
But that's a VERY beautiful baby you've got there, Faith. No doubts about that.

Emmy Ellis said...

Who? I shall have to google him to see what he looks like now...

I hope it doesn't make me feel sick...


Emmy Ellis said...

Oh, silly me, I didn't realise you'd left a linky thingy.

Ermmm, he's gopping (haven't used that word in ages!)

He's what I'd term a 'Last man on Earth'. Even if he was the last one I still wouldn't, you know...

