Friday, February 15, 2008

Perfection in a bar ....

Could it get better than this? Sadly, not a real Valentine's present but a photograph courtesy of the ever-web-vigilant and scrabulous ace, Alex:

But I was generous on Valentine's eve, and actually shared my own secret chocolate supplies with my writing group. (Sharing chocolate is something I do so rarely that it actually rendered my daughter speechless, so I must remember this in future when she starts telling me off for leaving my computer monitor on and single-handedly ruining the planet):

Although I noticed something interesting when everyone had gone and I was counting the buttons left (no, not really... oh well, OK, maybe a little bit) - no one seemed to like the white ones!

Yes, the writing life continues its hectic thrilling pace... not helped by the fact the dog still hasn't adjusted to her diet, and keeps checking her bowls just in case I've relented or the dog-food fairies have visited:

And my writing prompt for today is ... in the shop window ...


Karen said...

I very rarely share chocolate either! It's funny, yet perhaps not surprising, that since my husband started giving away free chocolate bars to everyone who placed a booking with his courier company that bookings have gone through the roof! The way to everyone's heart I guess :o)

Perhaps your doggy has seen the Chocolate Scrabble photo as well??

jem said...

Those look particularly classy buttons (what make are they?)! I'm a very slow eater of chocolate. I have a little stash on my desk and take about one small square every few days. At the moment its a Montezuma Spice it Up bar!

Sarah Salway said...

Where is that courier company, Karen? I love it!

Sarah Salway said...

They are by The Chocolate Alchemist, Jem, and thoroughly recommended, although you can't have one. Valentine's Day is long past now. Yep, I'm a Montezuma fan too.