Monday, October 12, 2009

In treatment....

Dr Paul crush alert...

Well, he's not my therapist, so there's nothing wrong with it, is there? Although, wait ... he's not real either.

If you've not caught up with In Treatment yet, it's well worth a look. Even for other things than the handsome Gabriel Bryne.

It's like The Archers too, in that it's on every day and then all of it on Sunday. You need never miss an appointment!


Tania Hershman said...

He is dishy, isn't he? The hunky bloke who actually listens.... The commitment of In Treatment is a bit much for me, I did try it but if you miss one, or two....aaargh!

Sarah Salway said...

I know! I guess the thought is that you only need follow certain days? Inevitably some clients will be more interesting than others. Imagine writing it though - how wonderful would that be to get your teeth into this stuff!

Sue Guiney said...

My word. I've been secretly in love with him for years. that whole dark irish thing. Oy! Gives the idea of transference a scarily real meaning, though...