OK. Sit tight, girls of the seventies. In the course of researching a poem about communal changing rooms (remember them? where were the trumpets when they went out of fashion?) I've just discovered
here that Cathy and Claire, doyens of Jackie magazine's problem page, didn't actually exist! Theirs was the first page we turned to every week, and my best friend and I even wrote to them once, only half as a joke, to say we had a crush on a sixth former who ignored us. 'They' (we always pictured them like the two women from Abba) wrote back and told us to take up more sport at school, and had we thought of hobbies. I feel cheated. Good news is that they've produced a
Best of Jackie annual. I love the Amazon review from a 13 year old girl who seems amazed that anything her mum read could be interesting, but not as much as the fact the double-offer is with
David Cassidy's Daydreamer. Now you're talking.
My writing prompt for today is going to be ... writing to a problem page.
1 comment:
Sniff. I feel cheated ;-)
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