I know this photograph is a little macabre, but two things have happened to me recently with birds, and I'm feeling fragile as I'm a great believer in signs! Yesterday, looking for tomato plants at a market garden I felt a strange blub on my head but couldn't see anything above me, although when I put my hand to my hair, yes, you've guessed it, a bird had pooped on me. It's never happened before, but my son said it was a good sign. Why, I asked. Well, apparently because it's so bad that nothing else can go quite so badly. Hmmmm, some logic there, I suppose. Secondly, and more disturbingly, I found this little bird foetus on the balcony outside my bedroom window this morning. No sign of a broken egg, nest or anything. It looks perfect but is big - about one and a half inches long - so I can't work out what it might be. It feels rather like the Great Bird Godfather has left me a 'message'.
So in an effort to appease the birds - who I love, by the way - here's a poem for Poetry Thursday from Emily Dickinson, and I'm just off to bury the little chap above in a tissue-lined matchbox as well as filling up the bird feeder in my garden.
I shall keep singing!
Emily Dickinson
I shall keep singing!
Birds will pass me
On their way to Yellower Climes—
Each—with a Robin's expectation—
I—with my Redbreast—
And my Rhymes—
Late—when I take my place in summer—
But—I shall bring a fuller tune—
Vespers—are sweeter than Matins-Signor—
Morning—only the seed of Noon—
"only the seed of Noon"
Wow. Dickinson's perspective is what we all require, bird poop days or no.
A very thoughtful one..
I liked the line "I'll bring a fuller tune"
thanks for sharing..
I shall keep singing...Dickinson really knew something about this, didn't she? Keeping this one in mind as I sit down to work today. Thanks for sharing it.
Thanks for stopping by, all and cheering up my 'bird poop day'!! I'm not sure I've fully understood the poem myself, but yes c.delia - it's something to keep in mind. And hahaha kaleidoscope, it does seem there's a huge bird conspiracy out there. I even got hit on the head by a nut this morning - but that was a squirrel so they've brought in the troops!
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