Sunday, June 08, 2008

In the Red...

I'm very happy to see an extract from my latest story, Dictionary of Death Dreams*, up on the In the Red website here.

The website is great, as befits anything coming out of the City of Culture this year, but so is the magazine. The editors Alysa Thomas and Hannah Todd, (who are creative writing students at Liverpool John Moores University) have done a brilliant job, with over forty different authors contributing - some well known (Dave Eggers, yep, Dave Eggers!) and others who will definitely be future literary stars.

You can buy it from the website, or from ebay (I think). Here are some story/poem titles to whet your appetite... 'Einstein couldn't Tie his Shoelaces' (Paul Campbell), or 'The Man with the Strongest Face in the World' (Clare Kirwan) or, hang on, can this be right... 'The Pretentious Woman Poet'. You're a brave man, Mr Doherty. I have to say your poem made me laugh (and shudder just a little)!...

*The full version of Dictionary of Death Dreams (which is an extract too, confused?) will be in the print edition of Monkeybicycle, due out in September.

1 comment:

broken biro said...

just stumbled on your page having 'googled' myself (*blushes*)- thanks for the mention of the poem and name check. Your blog's a really nice mix of stuff!