After a year, libraries got rid of their computers because so many people were coming to stare at the books. Golddiggers would turn their backs on footballers if a book collector came into a nightclub. Attics were raided, bookshelves plundered. To read though was punishable by law. To write, worse.
* More Fifty word stories here.
Police are seeking two men following an armed raid on a blood donor session. The pair - suspected writers - burst in demanding that staff hand over the bags. The police are in the process of trying to memorise witness statements and do impressions of those responsible, possible serial offenders.
The press conference made it official; pencils are the new currency. Old habits are hard to break. Teddy said they'd stuffed the mattress with all the bills they had. I'd gone through Good Will donations for the penny pencils, now hidden in our defunct printer. Saving for a rainy day.
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