I had such a lovely gift this afternoon - one of those times when you laugh so much you feel weak and all cleared out. And the strangest thing of all was that it was my own humiliation that made me so merry! Close readers of the blog (aren't you all?) will remember my 'baby pumpkin' (thanks Clare); well, today was the day of the great Allotment show and I decided after a sleepless night (really) to put it in no matter what size the other beasts were. I actually felt quite confident by the time I went to pick it for the show; no need for dolls house equipment to make it seem big (thanks Kate). Well, if you have a look at the photograph above, you'll probably guess the big one isn't mine. No, mine is peeping out from behind it, that little yellow thing that looks like a grape. I don't think I need to spell it out that I didn't win, didn't actually come second, no, folks, I was a whole 30kg behind the second smallest pumpkin in the competition.... It was a fabulous show though, more later.
Well, hey, hun, size isn't everything. ((( )))
Oh Sarah that must've made you laugh so much - hope you had someone to hold on to so that you didn't fall over, weak with laughter!
Hah, chiefbiscuit. Now there's a thought... I could have keeled nicely over and squashed the giant one, couldn't I? At least I'd have had a soft landing! Kate, I don't know ... that's not what all these nice spammy people cloggin my email box keep telling me...
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