I wish I'd been asked to contribute to this book but I wasn't (sob) so the least I can do is tell you about it and encourage you to get a copy from
Bluechrome. The Book of Hopes and Dreams is a collection of poetry from writers such as Simon Armitage, Margaret Atwood, Moniza Alvi, Alan Brownjohn, David Constantine, Cyril Dabydeen, Carol Anne Duffy, Ian Duhig, Ruth Fainlight, Vicki Feaver, Elaine Feinstein, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Charles Ades Fishman, Magi Gibson, Alasdair Gray, Tony Harrison, John Heath-Stubbs, Michael Horovitz, Mimi Khalvati, Tom Leonard, Robert Mezey, Edwin Morgan, Lawrence Sail, Penelope Shuttle, Jon Stallworthy, Anne Stevenson and many others. As well as its charity element - it is raising money for
Spirit Aid - it has a particular aim which is reflected in the book's title, and I quote:
"The poetry within its covers is subversive; reading it may lift your spirits and could possibly infect you with optimism. Exposure to optimism can be dangerous; it is not just delightful, but highly-addictive. In extreme cases addicts will happily run the risk of public ridicule by swimming against the prevailing tide of post-modern, ironic ennui. Their street-credibility decimated, their cool lost forever; you will know these hapless addicts by the upturning of their lips and the twinkle in their eyes."
You can find out more by visiting the website of the editor,
Dee Rimbaud.
Any volume that promises both Carol Ann Duffy and optimism is one I must have. Thanks for the heads up!
Look forward to hearing what you think about it!
Fascinting line-up of poets. Do you know which poem it includes by Tony Harrison? I suppose it is also included in his newly published Collected Poems -
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