Thursday, September 06, 2007

And yet another good-looking event...

Sunday 16 September, 7pm
Telegram books - - is hosting an evening of new writing by women at

The Cella, Sanctuary Cafe
51-55 Brunswick Street East, Hove, Nr Brighton (01273 770002)

with readings from award-winning Canadian author Alayna Munce, local author Kay Sexton and poet
Maria Jastrzebska.

Alayna will be reading from her new novel 'When I was Young and in my Prime', Kay will be reading
from 'Two Tall Tales and One Short Novel' and Maria will be reciting a selection of her work.

It is free to attend and promises to be a fascinating and stimulating evening. A chance to
support some great new works, network with other writers and have fun!

Alayna Munce will also be reading at 7.30 pm on Thursday 20 September at Queens Park Books, 87
Salusbury Road, London NW6 6NH.


Unknown said...

Thanks for the plug, my sweet!

Sarah Salway said...

My pleasure. Hope to be able to come and hear you read.