Thursday, September 06, 2007

Written words...

In the middle of a complicated texting conversation aimed at arranging somewhere to meet a friend for lunch, I suddenly realise I have another option and dial her number direct. She answers straight away - of course she does, she's holding her phone waiting for me to text back - but sounds surprised, almost defensive to hear my voice. In seconds, we have our plans all sorted, but when I finish the conversation I have the feeling I've transgressed some (unwritten) rule - that there's something strange now about actually speaking to someone rather than relying on the written words of email or text. At lunch though we can't stop talking. A minute after we part, the text alert tone on my phone goes. 'It was lovely to see you,' I read. This time I don't call her back but text instead. 'You too,' I write. 'Let's do it again soon.'


Sophie Playle said...

I know what you mean. I find that I like talking to people face-to-face, but I dislike talking on the phone. It just seems a bit awkward! So, texts come in handy. It probably is a product of technology, though - IM, social networks, blogs, texts, emails...

Alex Johnson said...

Throw away your mobile and you'll be much happier all round.

Sarah Salway said...

Yes, Capulet, but it was interesting that it was so much easier just to arrange our meeting on the phone rather than endless texts. Makes me wonder how much else is made harder for us!
OK, ALex, always looking for things to make me happy. But where will my daily horoscope get sent to?