It's been a while since I've done a snap, but I've missed them. For those new to the blog, these are 50 word stories linked to a photograph. Please leave your own 50 word version in the comments section - or link to your blog - if you want. Writing small is an interesting - if sometimes frustrating! - exercise:

She doesn’t want a complete memory destruction. Just her childhood. Although not the good bits. Or the bits she survived. Which was it all, so could it zap her adult life instead? But not the bits with John. Or without. Actually maybe she could just not remember the future. Although…
Come and look at my holiday photos, she said. Sit down. Next thing, her memories were spilling out onto the coffee table and the carpet. I had to wade through them to get to the front door. She didn't even notice. Her mind was elsewhere, gooey, detached from its surroundings.
Oooh lovely, particularly the 'wade through' bit.
Thanks, Sarah. I've missed reading your 50 word stories and writing them definitely gives me a little creative buzz. By the way, I've just ordered JC's The Right to Write.
I'll feel safer when I get to grips with the method: hands here, feet there, watch the screen, wait for instructions. Just like when I had Hal - but thst came unstuck didn't it? Joe says it's the modern way, but there has to be a better way to do this.
I'll feel safer when I get to grips with the method: hands here, feet there, watch the screen, wait for instructions. Just like when I had Hal - but thst came unstuck didn't it? Joe says it's the modern way, but there has to be a better way to do this.
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