And one of the best ways to learn anything is to practice.
Which is why I am trying to grow another giant pumpkin for the allotment show. (Yes, I do see that this is a pathetic attempt at trying to claim that the time I spend on the allotment is 'work'...)
Anyway, my last attempt was in 2006 as I blogged about here.
This is my pumpkin then. NO! Not the big one, the little one hiding behind....

And so, let me introduce this year's baby ...

I will record its progress here. It's work, you know.
Hee hee, you're a trier alright! Love that photo of the big and little pumpkin :)
Milt x
I can't believe you subjected that poor little pumpkin to such humiliation. Size isn't everything you know and it was probably very tasty.
Are you allowed to milk feed it? Google milk-fed pumpkin to learn more of this dark art.
That photo is just great! One year we had massive pumpkins and as they were growing by the day, we worried that thieves might come to our allotment in the night and steal them. It was only when we tried to take them home ourselves that we realized they were going nowhere fast or far. They did make wonderful and vast quantities of soup, but now we just grow dwarf ones instead which seem to be just as tasty.
I am learning that growing things is a process of keeping trying. Something about it invites you to never quite give up. We planted seeds, they shot up, then then flopped and looked awful, then we tried something different and they perked up, and who knows what next...
I'm frightened to google milk-fed pumpkin ... what kind of sites are you taking me too, Clare?
And just wait, Milton and Kathryn - you will see my GIANT pumpkin and you will know I'm right.
People at the allotment are threatening to sleep overnight to guard their pumpkins, Annie. Not sure about stealing, but maybe vandalism. As if I would....
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