Or maybe the better question might be, who am I today, because I can't tell you how pleased I am to be the guest of writer, Stephanella Walsh who runs The Creative Identity Website.
She asked some great questions which really made me think about my writing identity:
What is your greatest writing fear?
What is your greatest writing extravagance?
So now I am going to turn those two thoughts over to you, dear blog readers.
What are your greatest writing fears, AND extravagances....?
I'd love to know.
Do put Stephanella's site on your to be visited regularly list too. She has great information, promps, advice. I really like her style and energy.
AND she's running a short story competition here, deadline is 30th June, and the theme is IDENTITY.
If you need an inspiration kickstart and live near enough to Manchester, there are still some places left on her Creative Identity workshop, details here.
This is what makes me SO happy about the internet. The friendships, the inspiration, the wonderful, wonderful wonderful people there are out there doing wonderful things - and all of which I might have missed out on if it hadn't been available at my finger tips. And far from being passive, as all of these sites above show, there's a wealth of creative inspiration out there.
Phew! How lucky are we? It's one big sweetie shop!
Fear - going blind. I don't actively fear this but it's certainly the thing I'd least like to happen in terms of working
Extravagance - it might be an iPad (hopefully)
My biggest writing fear is that one day, I will realise I'm rubbish at it.
My extravagance is lying on the bed writing some nonsensical stuff I've dreamed about and then chuckling away to myself.
I have never worried about going blind before, but now ...
Kathryn, if you ever doubt you are a writer, come back and look at your answer here!
My fear like Kathryn's is finding out that I can't really write anything worth reading.
My extravagance was my trip to London for the book launch of Your Messages ;D)
My fear is realising what I want to write when I don't have enough time left to write it.
My extravagance is sometimes just writing nonsense, lists, words, phrases, teenage style poetry, just for the hell of it.
Thanks for the links too - wabisabidaily is great!
Love these so much. And you coming over to Your Messages made it really special, Gina. You probably can't imagine how excited Lynne and I were. Thank you! A good extravagance - and actually all these extravagances are healthy. Obviously writing and extravagance go hand in hand. Pah, to the miserable starving artist...
Thanks so much for linking to me, & under "creative inspiration" no less! I'm taking that to the bank. Thanks, Sarah!
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