Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Dancing book...

This note I received on my facebook wall from a student called Asha Gill surprised me and made me very happy...

I study English and Physical theatre, and for my final year at uni, I took a choreography module. Three days before the exam my other dancer dropped out, making my duet with him, into a solo which didn't make any sense. I was utterly stuck and really upset, then I came home sobbing slightly, and saw "Something beginning with"... so I went over to my sound guy's house and recorded some extracts and put it to piano stylings of Ludovico Einaudi, it was totally a rush job, but I managed to get something together to perform, I put the book centre stage at the front and danced behind it. I got loads of audience feedback, they absolutely loved it. I got a first for that module... so thank you muchly for that lovely book. xx

CONGRATULATIONS to Asha for her first, and go, Something Beginning With, go!

And while we're talking dancing, you still have several days left to listen again to the Sarah Party on BBC Radio 4. I appear rather more than I had hoped I might, particularly giggling in the background, but I'm not sure I've laughed so much as remembering what it was like when we heard that the SECOND Sarah had ended up in casualty after being involved in a fight the night before... brilliant!


annie clarkson said...

Gosh, how lovely... doubly lovely that she wrote about it in your facebook comments

Nik Perring said...

How cool is that! Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant.

Sarah Salway said...

Yes, Annie - a good surprise on a grey day. And yes, Nik - and look at SBW, it's feeling almost princessy, I'm sure you'll agree!

James Friel said...

Hi sarah

At last I am a proper follower. What is this Sarah Party. Following the link I didn't know what to look for.

Sarah Salway said...

Jim following me? Now, I'm really happy!!!! It was this Sarah Party I went to last year - how could I not have told you about that. It was last Friday, 11am, under Sarah Party - I'm wondering now if it's still up but I'm promised a CD so I will make you sit down and listen to it one way or another!!!