Thursday, February 26, 2009


What you knitting? They always ask her this as she click-clacks away on the buses, restaurants, in museums. She’ll smile then, say it would take too long to explain. The truth is she can’t miss a minute. There’s a whole hard cold world out there she needs to cover up.


annie clarkson said...

oo I like this.

Nik Perring said...

Sarah, that's just perfectly lovely. So's the photy.

Sarah Salway said...

Thanks both. I still have no idea what those knitted covers were doing!

Douglas Bruton said...

Started with scarves and gloves and hats. Katherine, knitting the whole world warm. Then jumpers. Socks. Cosies for teapots, blankets for gran. And covers for toilet rolls and booties for babies. Now she knits sleeves for trees, and fenceposts in her garden, and nests for birds to lay eggs in.