Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I like what she says about the difference between writing poetry and prose too, how poetry begins with a rhythm. Although I think good prose does too. And needs it to sustain the reading as well.


Marisa Birns said...

I agree with you about thinking that good prose has a cadence to it which makes the reading a sort of music to one's senses.

Interesting to hear her advice that those first six weeks are rough terrain. Good to know that even seasoned writers feel those potholes, but don't stop the ride.

Thank you for sharing this with us!

Milton said...

Great video clip, thanks. Thought it was interesting, her comments on how she's usually miserable for the first six weeks of writing a new novel!


Sarah Salway said...

Thanks, Marisa and Milton ... and yes, very interesting about the first six weeks - particularly as she must have endured so many starts given how many great books she's written.

I'm reading her letters at the moment - gripping. I'll try to find some of the quotes that give more insight into her writing process.

Sarah Salway said...

Milton! I have just visited your blog and you are a cat... will put out some cream next time.

Milton said...

Ah, thank you Auntie Sarah. I'd love some cream, maybe a wee cat biscuit or two as well, hmm?

Milton x

PS Muttie says she'd love to hear some JCO quotes.