We missed out the neeps but had tatties and cabbage. Look at the beauty spilling out when the casing gets split open ...

I interviewed someone from MacSween's once about their haggis, and was very impressed by them saying how their vegetarian version started off as a one-off joke but is now a best-seller. Last night we were trying to work out how many other successful business ideas started off as playing in some way. It's a bit like writing - the worst thing you can do is to try too hard to get it 'right' and forget what fun it should be.

And my writing prompt for today is ... what's in the shadows ...
Good advice, Sarah.
Note bene: My brother and his wife got pregnant due to haggis on their honeymoon in Scotland. It overrode the Pill.
Cor ... that's one claim for haggis I haven't heard before!
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