(Can't concentrate though cos I have a dentists appointment this morning for a tooth that broke in America, and I HATE the dentist. This time I don't even have Alice to hold my hand, as she did so capably in Virginia. Tip for travellers... never, ever eat these:

I only did because I thought the name was funny, but no one I was with at the time seemed to even get that joke. That'll teach me.)
Hope the dentist's went okay.
Anyway, I thought sweets were only supposed to rot teeth, you know, slowly. These Duds sound like proper bad asses.
Exactly, Nik. You would not have wanted them in your box of chocolates at all, at all.
'Dud' huh? I reckon it says it all in the name. :-)
That was me BTW...
And I hope your tooth is a lot better now - sounds v nasty.
Clare! I should have thought and kept you some .. I guessed it was you!
And thanks, other Clare, it was nasty and I wasn't very brave either. But then, I never am.
Hey hang in there.. I hope the dentist sorted your tooth out.
He did, thank you, HM. And I've learnt not to tell dentists I don't like them, so all was happy.
I lost a crown once when eating milk duds but I love them (and hate the dentist) so I flirt with the danger probably way too often. BTW here's my response to the prompt.
Think that's one flirtation I'll be avoiding in future. Revels though -and that russian roulette feel as to whether you'll get the coffee cream - now you're talking!
never had those ...must be treats found there... and i'll be looking for all kinds of new treats when i get there! =D
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