A copy, hot off the press, of the Your Messages book, which contains a selection from the November collaborative project, Your Messages. I haven't been able to stop reading them - they're fantastic, and it's going to be a great evening tomorrow night meeting many of these writers personally. The strange thing is that I feel I know some of them already through the pieces they contributed throughout November, so it's going to be interesting to see if I've got it right.
And what's more - all the profits from the Your Messages book go to the charity, Kids Company. Think I'm proudest of that than anything else.
Because it's going to be a busy few days, here's a list of the prompts I'll be working with ...
Wednesday ... just like your mother...
Thursday ... It's no joke ...
Friday ... Fear me ...
It's no joke ... I'm very excited about Thursday.
I am sooo excited. The book looks fabulous! I must find something purple to wear.
Looks super, Sarah! And the fact that proceeds go to the Kids Company ... heck, that should make it sell like hot cookies.
Hope you all have a wonderful, wonderful launch party tomorrow and wish I could be there, but the swim from France is a wee bit too long/tiring at my age :-)
Wow - it is truly beautiful and my favourite colour too. Can't wait until I can touch one in the flesh...
Yay to you all!
Yes, let's wear purple...
Deborah, we will raise a glass to you and all your wonderful editing! x
Ooh, it looks fabulous.
Looking forward to tomorrow - now just off to find something purple. Hope you got my message to say I'm coming.
Yep, looking forward to seeing you, Wendy - glad you're up and about now.
I know, Cathy. And what's inside is even better ... I'm loving reading them so much.
I don't have any purple clothes so will be coming in my regulation green and brown.
Will there be sandwiches?
Not pickled onion ones, ALex, or whatever it is you like! Nope better to eat before - or there's a brilliant chippie over the road if anyone fancies going along there after.
Sarah, your blog is gorgeous, thank you for all the wonderful inspiration! Am definitely going to get a copy of the lovely Messages, wishing you lots of success with it (what a fab place for the profits to be going!) :o)
Thanks Moondreamer - do let me know what you think of Your Messages. It makes me very proud!
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